André Ruy de Souza shared insights into the extensive preparation the team undertook...
"VCIC was a 5-month project for us since we decided to join the competition and started to assemble the team. It was a learning journey where we connected with investors, founders, and mentors. Don’t be misled by the sophisticated financial projections and fancy words; it’s all about teamwork! Here at CBS, I found the best team! Although none of us had prior experience with VC, we had synergy stemming from diverse backgrounds, different working experiences, sectors, and regions. It's no surprise our team overcame several challenges and achieved outstanding results! Our campaign impressed even the toughest of the judges.”
Tony Manning emphasised the significance of teamwork and collaboration...
"VVCIC was an awesome experience to build a relationship as a team, play to our strengths, and constructively work through our differences. In addition to the day-to-day academic requirements of the Copenhagen MBA, we built a training plan largely on our own, and had a great time doing it- making connections across Copenhagen with founders, VCs, and everybody in between. I'm really proud of what we did and the choices we made.”
The competition tasked the participants with simulating the role of associates at a venture capital fund. They researched three real-world startups, performed face-to-face due diligence on competition day, and offered a term sheet to one of the three firms. Throughout the competition, they were evaluated by judges from across the European startup and venture capital ecosystem.