My answer is “never”. I always knew that I wanted to continue my education. However, after my post-graduate degree I got into the Hospitality industry – an industry which you either love at first sight and stay in forever or hate right away and leave very shortly. I was immediately sold and fascinated by the business. It was mutual – working in this industry took me to another country, introduced me to a number of international professionals and gave me the opportunity to work on some of the world’s best brands and projects. I always continued to study in between, attending short term courses and programmes at different universities, but never was I ready to drop work completely and go back to school for a year or two. My job was too interesting to stop.
When I finally took a pause and thought about it, I was 37. I looked deep inside myself and said to myself “If I am not doing it now, I will never do it”. And so I did, and a few months later I found myself sitting among the brilliant, kind and beautiful people that were to become my Copenhagen MBA classmates.
Funnily enough, I think I could not have picked a better time in my life to do this. I have 15 years of experience prior to doing my MBA and, hopefully, will have another 25 after graduation. And very often we perceive studies as something meant for young people only. Therefore, it is no wonder we have a workforce which is split between “young and clueless” but enthusiastic vs experienced but old-fashioned and “don’t-fix-what’s-not-broken” types. I can’t say I am in the first category anymore, but I do not want to become one of those in the latter category either.