Building a leader
Resino Inks A/S is a family-owned Danish company that produces inks and coatings for printing. Today, Signe has been the CEO at Resino for three years but has worked with the company for almost 11. She started the process of succeeding her father around six/seven years ago.
“My father got some offers for buying the company,” says Signe, “But they wanted to move half of the employees to outside of Denmark. We decided against this eventually in favour of keeping the business in the country and in the family – so it was up to me.”
However, with an educational background in humanities to build from, Signe felt she needed some practical experience, “I spent some years working in the company to get my head around things. I enjoyed it and got a solid understanding of how our company ran, but (aside from a few shorter courses that I had taken previously) I realised I needed a more well-rounded education, more suited to the business world and leadership. That’s why I took the EMBA at Copenhagen Business School.”
Benefits of CBS
The EMBA programme’s flexible structure was also a deciding factor. As Signe says, “One of the reasons why I chose CBS was because I needed to fit it around my family and home life.”
The EMBA has been designed to correspond with the demands placed on business leaders. For Signe, this was hugely advantageous and provided her with the faculties to take over seamlessly from her father; “I think I’ve gained a lot of great knowledge to bring along to my company after the programme. Every time I learnt something new, I brought it back and we discussed implementing it into the strategy,” says Signe. “My learnings also encouraged a lot of good discussions, not only with my father, but also with the management team and the board. At this stage we’re halfway through the full transition from my father to myself – but I think we’re managing exceptionally well, we’re in a good position now.”
Broad perspectives
The EMBA gave Signe a wider understanding in relation to executive leadership as opposed to being limited to one department’s specialism. As Signe says, “I gained a lot of theoretical knowledge that relates to my individual company, but at the same time, while working with my peers, I achieved a comprehension of the world beyond Europe. Plus, for myself I began to increase my awareness of all areas of the company, because as successor it was all relevant to me: from marketing to innovation and from production to distribution.”