When you study at CBS, you will be choosing to study alongside industry professionals from a variety of job roles and locations. You will gain the benefit of different perspectives during discussions and debates and even better, you will build an unrivalled alumni network that we guarantee you will be turning to for support throughout the rest of your career.
Join one of the top shipping and maritime professionals networks and study alongside inspiring leaders from around the globe.
A global industry, a worldwide network
The Blue MBA Alumni Association was established as a membership group for all graduates and current participant of the programme. It was set up to encourage networking between members and to be a link between the maritime industry and academia. But this alumni association is different from other networks to which you might belong, because all of the association's members have one thing in common: a similar mind-set about how to look at the many challenges faced in the shipping arena. When you join the CBS Blue MBA, you also join a lifelong and vast network of highly-skilled shipping and logistics professionals. This gives our participants the possibility to draw on each other, to inspire and navigate a complex and uncertain future well after graduation.
Blue MBA Ambassadors serve as leaders and liaison contacts for alumni and participants of the programme; to better connect our graduates to the unique shipping industry, Ambassadors are appointed in different regions and business segments to raise awareness of the programme’s mission to develop strategic capabilities of management in the maritime and associated industries. Or put more simply to develop the next generation of maritime CEO’s.
Thomas Damsgaard - USA
Saunak Rai - Singapore
Juan Carlos Pérez-Ferretti - Latin America
Napo Ramodibedi - Africa
Prashant S. Winge - India
Dorte Thuesen Christensen - Nordic Countries
Lars Hoffman - Mediterranean
Download our brochure and learn more about what the Blue MBA can do you for you and your career.