To find out more and discuss your profile, contact Programme Director Irene Rosberg directly:
T: +45 3815 6007
Embrace business agility and drive change with the world's foremost Executive MBA in Shipping & Logistics. Designed for high-potential shipping professionals.
Request our brochureWorld-class industry reputation
To remain competitive in a global industry you need to stay ahead of the curve with an advanced skillset that can overcome challenges and uncover opportunities. Our Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics is designed specifically to give you unrivalled insight into an industry that is like no other.
A holistic view of the shipping industry
From supply chain and logistics to finance and investment, the beauty of the Blue MBA is in its breadth and diversity. Throughout the programme you will learn to adopt a holistic view of shipping that integrates commercial, technological and financial aspects as well as maritime law, sustainability, management and leadership.
Cutting-edge & Competitive
In an industry that is evolving at such a fast pace, it is vital you keep up to speed with the shifting landscape. We don’t just write our programme and then deliver it time and again, we are constantly reviewing, developing and revising the content to make sure it sits at the forefront of thought leadership in this sector.
To find out more and discuss your profile, contact Programme Director Irene Rosberg directly:
T: +45 3815 6007
“The Blue MBA provides great insight into essential aspects of the shipping and logistics industry. It gives an insightful overview of the industry and delves deeply into fundamentals like the key drivers, opportunities and risks for the various players in the industry. With world-class teaching staff and senior participants from many parts of the industry, it is a dynamic learning experience coupling theory and practice in interaction.”
Bo Cerup-Simonsen
Chief Executive Officer at Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, Class of 2019
Join the next class of talented executives.
Join one of the top shipping and maritime professionals networks and study alongside inspiring leaders from around the globe. Our unrivalled MBA programme is designed for high-potential shipping professionals.
The Executive MBA in Shipping & Logistics (AKA: The Blue MBA) will take you to the top international level in business administration, reflecting the needs of the industry in a world where globalisation, enhanced competition and the speed of technological change place ever-increasing demands on executive management skills.
Irene Rosberg, our CBS Blue MBA programme director, has been named the #1 woman in shipping: "We proved that we can indeed go beyond welcoming only people with a technical background, which might have excluded some women, and create an all-inclusive executive education with a level playing field for women who will be groomed as the upcoming leaders for the industry. By championing diversity, the Blue MBA is supporting our female colleagues to take their rightful place at the helm of the industry, ensuring they have a platform from which to build successful and rewarding careers.