Update: Now Tobias Nielsen is back in Denmark, working as COO and Director of Premium Projects for Bauer Audio at Bauer DK.
I’ve always been in radio. When I was a teenager, I started doing local radio in the town that I lived in near Copenhagen, and then in 1992 was recruited as a DJ on Denmark’s number one commercial radio brand The Voice. From there, I moved into management and programming and – to cut a long story very short – I became the COO of the radio division at Discovery Network in Denmark in 2012. It was a great position and it gave me the opportunity to pursue the strategic and administrative side of the business, rather than the creative side that I had focussed on for so long.
Broader horizons
After a few years, the business was bought by Bauer, an international media group, and I started to look for opportunities to further develop my career. An Executive MBA seemed like the natural fit for my ambition and CBS here in Denmark felt like the perfect opportunity.
I started the EMBA in 2015 and have never worked so hard in my whole life. That said, I’ve never been so energised in my life and it was inspiring to sit alongside all these classmates from many different industries. And even though I was in my mid-forties and had a good amount of executive experience behind me, there was plenty to learn and add to my business skillset. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the course came at the perfect time – any earlier and my kids would have still been growing up and my time would have been even more precious.