We always allocate seats on a first-come-first-served basis, so make sure you sign up before your first priorities are fully booked!
Choose your next course to strengthen your skills, see opportunities and create business. We look forward to seeing you at CBS again.
Current Student at MBD
We know it's crucial to balance your work, personal life and your MBD programme. You'll find a comprehensive overview of how our courses are planned each semester in our calendar, so you can plan your courses around all your other appointments, meetings and commitments.
MBD has a wide range of courses on the shelves, from which you can choose freely. If you are planing to take just a few courses, you are free to choose whichever you like. If you, like so many others, plan to end up with the full master degree, just remember to stay within the programme structure:
A full master consits of:
2 mandatory courses / 10 ECTS
4 core courses/ 20 ECTS
3-6 electives / 18 ECTS
The Master Project / 12 ECTS
Get an overview of the MBD programme structure
Get an overview of all the courses and where they fit into an overall MBD structure via the link below.
We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers. If you can't find what you are looking for, you are as always welcome to contact us directly by email or phone.