A fundamental element of the MBD programme for all is the two mandatory courses. They give you a basic understanding of how to drive development and change in your organization.
The mandatory courses are available in English as well as Danish.
Our courses can be taken as stand-alone courses or as the building blocks for a degree of your own design. Learn more about the elements of an MBD and the courses you can choose from below.
At MBD, you design your own programme and make it relevant to you and your company. Below we have divided our courses into the categories they belong to, as building blocks in your degree, so you can get a picture of what you MBD would look like.
A fundamental element of the MBD programme for all is the two mandatory courses. They give you a basic understanding of how to drive development and change in your organization.
The mandatory courses are available in English as well as Danish.
The core courses give you insight into key disciples within busines economics that are essential to business development. As part of your MBD, you must choose 4 out of 7 available core courses.
The core courses each provide insight into 4 topics that are central to any business:
You may choose whichever core course you want to take, but if you want a basic understanding of all parts of a business, we recommend that you choose a core course within each of the four topics.
Most of the Danish core courses are also offered in English.
The purpose of the electives is to allow you to tailor your MBD to your individual needs and ambitions. That's why very few graduates leave with exactly the same degree. You must select electives equivalent to a total of 18 ECTS credits.
The electives are available in the following versions:
6 ECTS courses: 4 days of lectures
3 ECTS courses: 2 days of lecrures
6 ECTS sector-specific courses: Courses aimed at the financial sector or the Life Science sector.
Elective courses
Business Data Analytics
Elective courses
Corporate Finance
Elective courses
Future Tech for Business: AI, Blockchain and Quantum Computing
Elective courses
Servitization and Service Management
Effective Negotiations
Elective courses
Creating Value Driven Supply Chains
How should you plan your degree?
The courses can be taken in the order you want. If you feel you lack knowledge in a specific business area, you can choose a course that can help you when you need it.
We do recommend to you begin with our mandatory courses
To ensure you have a basic understanding of business development and organisation prior to begining on the other courses, we recommend you start off your MBD journey with our mandatory courses. You will often also meet your fellow participants from the mandatory courses on your next MBD courses.
A typical MBD degree
Below you will see an example of what a typical MBD degree might look like. You can use this as a starting point for your own degree.
Our participants typically participate in one oe two courses every six months. Based on this, we've illustrated what a typical MBD programme could look like for you.