With the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations in 2015, Sustainability has taken center stage in public policy debates at global, national and local levels. This class introduces and explores the concept of sustainability and its social, economic and environmental dimensions. Climate change will serve as the core case study linking all three elements. We consider normative foundations, indicators, tools for analyzing synergies and trade-offs among different goals, and public policies and governance options for achieving sustainability. A particular focus is on the political economy of interactions between the state, business and NGOs in devising public policy for sustainability. The tools taught in this course are rooted mainly in economics and political science, but their application will be non-formal throughout. Note that this is not a class in development economics or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Nils aus dem Moore
To validate the 3 ECTS, students need to prepare readings (approx. 200 pages), a pre-assignment if applicable, attend all sessions and prepare an assignment after the course.
CBS samarbejder med Hertie School i Berlin
MPG har et samarbejde med Hertie School i Berlin. Det betyder, at du som MPG-studerende har mulighed for at følge et fag på et udenlandsk universitet, der kan indgå som et valgfag på MPG uddannelsen. CBS står for den officielle del af udvekslingsaftalen og den praktiske del i forhold til tilmelding. Du skal selv sørge for overnatning og transport.
Bemærk venligst at rettidig framelding til dette fag er 4 uger før undervisningsstart.
Eksamen skal gennemføres på Hertie School i Berlin, for at resultatet kan gælde som en del af din MPG. Rent praktisk får du merit for faget i Berlin og det kommer til at fremstå som meritoverført på dit endelige eksamensbevis med bedømmelsen "bestået/ikke bestået".